Overview of PRINCE2® manuals

There are many books and manuals, which you can use to learn PRINCE2. Some of them are written in popular language, while the other are more "technical", written for certified Project Managers and other project management team members.

>For the Training pruprose, we reccoomend usinf firts 2 manuls, while the third one is perfect, if you need quicly find some specific PRINCE2 term or definition.

Managing successful projects with PRINCE2®

The Essence of PRINCE2® Project Management Method

PRINCE2® Pocketbook



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Quick information

PRINCE2 Practitioner for PMP, IPMA

Owner of PMP certificates and IPMA certificates can now pass PRINCE2 Practitioner without passing Foundation certification.

We are PRINCE2 Professionals

We reached the highest certificate PRINCE2 progfessional. Our practical experience from managing PRINCE2 projects is widely used by the commercial companies.

Do you want to be Agile?

We expanded the portfolio of our training by Agile methodologies, such as Agile Management by APMG and SCRUM by SCRUMstudy.



PRINCE2 in Russia

We successfully expanded to the Russian market with PRINCE2 certification. Trainings. was organized by the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies (VIHT) and will continue on the other organizations.

PRINCE2 Foundation training in Russia