How to order PRINCE2® training
Having judged the quality of our suppoting materials and our trainings, you decided to order the PRINCE2 training. It is very simple and you could follow the following steps.
We will contact you and try to find a suitible date for the training. You will receive an advance payment invoice (Proforma).
When payment is done, we send you all pre-course materials and the access details for the student part of our web page. You start your pre-course studying, watching the videos, reading the documetation or working through the exam tests. A couple of days before the training starts, we will verify if everything is prepared for the training. Our trainer will come usually at the evening before the actual training. He brings all the supporting materials for the training. He will train you on everything you might need to manage successfully your project and to pass the exam. Good Luck.
The procedure is for the online training except, that neither trainer nor trainees need to travel somewhere. We train online only PRINCE2 - both levels Foundation and Practitioner and ITIL.
Scrum courses are always organized as classroom (or in-person) training.
Certificates (this concerns only PRINCE2 and ITIL) courses
The training price ALWAYS contains the price of the certification. Once the course is paid, we can issue the voucher for students, but we usually do so only when a student feels to be prepared for the course. This will extend the validity of the voucher, which is usually between 6 - to 12 months.
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